GBS: Filing Deadline Extended

It’s official. The deadline has been extended until 10:00 AM on Tuesday the 8th. Note, however, that the court’s electronic filing system will be unavailable starting at 2:00 PM tomorrow (Thursday, the 3rd) until 8:00 AM on Tuesday the 8th.

IMPORTANT: The order does not mention opt-outs. (Note that those go through the official settlement site, not the court, and so wouldn’t be affected by the electronic filing system in the first place.) This is not legal advice, but do not assume that you can wait over the weekend to opt out.

Note that the opt-out date has NOT changed (yet). The settlement Web site has a the order, which doesn’t appear to mention any change to the opt-out. And the settlement site says specifically that “The Extended Opt-Out Deadline remains September 4, 2009.”

NPR reported today on All Things Considered (at least in the Eastern time zone — it may get fixed before the West Coast re-broadcast) that the deadline “for authors to decide” in September 8th. That would seem to provide a basis for someone who wants to move for the opt-out deadline to be extended until September 8th also, to avoid unfairness to authors or publishers who rely on the NPR story.

Yes. To be precise: the deadline has been changed to file objections and amicus briefs with the court. The opt-out deadline has not changed.

The Mediabistro site is also stating incorrectly that the opt-out date has changed, and it has a form for emailing the item to friends. (Also it is citing you as its source, James.)

This needs to be addressed: some people could end up losing their right to opt out as a result of this misinformation.

Can’t we find out the numbers of opt outs via the Settlement Administrator. Why is this being kept secret?

J Garchik,S F Retro Atty