Today’s Telemarketing Fun

Can I speak to Mr. and Mrs. Grimmelmann?

Speaking …

I’m calling from the [name omitted] Sweepstakes, and you’ve been entered in a drawing to win $25,000 or a trip to Hawaii. The sweepstakes is also available to cardholders with a Visa, Mastercard, or American Express. Do you have one of those?

Yes. When did you say the trip to Hawaii is?

The winners will be announced August 31.

Oh, I’m sorry. August 31 isn’t good for us. Is there another time we could take the trip?

No, you’ll find out on August 31 whether you’ve won.

Okay, then. We’ll take the money instead. Now, you’ll put that directly on the credit card, right?

I tell you what. We’ll get in touch with you if you win, okay?

I’m getting better at this.