This state of affairs is just ridiculous. That's why I'm making everything here available, free of charge, under a Creative Commons License. The full details are encoded below in RDF format; the full legal version is also available.
In brief, you can do almost anything you like with my words, as long as you follow a few simple conditions. You can copy my writings, distribute them, stage public readings, translate them into foreign tongues, perform merciless line-by-line MSTings of them, and generally use them as you see fit in the pursuit of your own creative vision. However . . .
- You must continue to identify me as the author.
- You may not use my words for commercial purposes.
- When it comes to letting other people use your version of my writings, you must be at least as generous with them as I have been with you.
If you don't like these terms, write me. I'm happy to consider any other arrangement you'd like to suggest. These are just the terms I'm willing to sign off on for anyone, anytime.
Share and enjoy.